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Some wild ass shit but nothing surprises me anymore. What's crazy is people are accepting this shit as,"Oh well, we can't do anything about it". Ryan always says this will only continue if we allow it and so far I see that is true. No I'm not saying we can stop a lifelong criminal from enriching himself since the law obviously protects him. But as long as we find excuses for compliance, this will continue to get far worse. From my perspective our best weapons are non-compliance and sharing information like you are doing! Those psychopaths involved in the WEF are monsters and are stopping at nothing to have their way. Many people think like oh you're being too hyperbolic meanwhile SMART cities are also becoming the New Normal. I'm gonna share this too with others, I'm hoping it will open more eyes and Great job in pointing out those 12 very alarming investments that he is doing and you're so right about looking into our own State 'Leaders'? which I'm sure if they are pushing all of the mandates, they are heavily invested in this 4IR, TGR agendas.

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