I’ve noticed that a lot of JD fans need this to be announced before acknowledging someone’s existence - so I thought I’d get it out of the way. But…for real, I’m glad you all have realized TYT is MSM lite - better late than never.
Disclaimer #2 for the fans — (I’m a fan too, chill out): Some of y’all have lost your fu**ing s$&% at the moment when it comes to Jimmy Dore — I’m fine with the incessant attacks for asking basic questions —but would y’all calm down for a bit? Not everyone’s out to ruin Jimmy Dore. I hope you keep reading before rage-quitting…stay with me for a moment, eh? I know I have good friends when they tell me the things I don’t want to hear. In fact, the older I get, the more I appreciate my friends who will tell me when I screwed up or when I’m not seeing something clearly (I’m sure I’ll get a few messages for this particular article, ha!) Jimmy Dore has no idea who I am, but hey, if you are ever reading this Jimmy, just know that I’m coming from a good place.
I’m just going to say it: I think you are surrounding yourself with too many “yes” men, Jimmy. It’s bound to happen to anyone who gets to the level of fame that you’ve reached. People do have some questions for you — even some of your most loyal supporters — but they’re afraid to ask you — especially when it comes to The People’s Party.
No one - I mean, no one wants to be on the receiving end of a nuclear Jimmy Dore. Having said that - part of the reason why people love you so much is that you do say the things that people can’t get from mainstream news — people see you as a warrior for the little guy. In fact, I’ve noticed that people have started to deify you — and I’m not kidding about that. I honestly think you might find it a bit comical if you were to read some of these comment sections on different platforms you’ve visited. (I’m going to get shit on so much for this article…)
I don’t hate you for it — I just want you to understand that you’ve become, for so many people, FAR more than just some comedian. You’ve become the only hope that people have left in any semblance of truth and righteousness. It sounds crazy, I’m sure — but the online independent media world ain’t like the comedy clubs, my man. I think over the last year and a half, you’ve been one of the only things keeping people going, JD. You’ll always be a jagoff comedian — but I’m here to tell you that in the minds of many, you have become FAR more than just some Chicago jagoff comedian.
We need to talk about MPP. There are some legit questions — and I’m asking you because you’re the biggest voice on that board. Also — it’s impossible to get ahold of Nick Brana/that guy won’t come near me. Neither will Eynelys Garcia (I realize she’s now with Panquake, but she and Nick Brana both blocked me for asking questions — you featured an article of mine on your show before and I’ve got nothing to lose - so hey, why not?)
I’m not going to lie — when I heard your stream with Jackson Hinkle last week — I was stunned to hear you dismiss the petitioners as “agitators.” I’ll write it off as you wanting to believe the best in people — because the MPP is lucky to have your stamp of approval and I know you’re not paying attention to the day-to-day activities of the group. I wasn’t expecting you to trash Mr. Brana — I understand you sit on the board of MPP — you even acknowledge, repeatedly, that there are some serious issues with the group. But—and this pains me to say it — for a man who is of the people, I’ve gotta say, it stung a little bit to hear you dismiss some legitimate concerns so callously. You can’t call me crazy for inquiring—you’re on the board.
Jimmy, people cling to your every word. I can’t emphasize this enough, because I don’t think the people around you are telling you just how influential you’ve become in independent media.
You tend to enjoy exposing lies, deceit, and corruption — so all I ask is that you take a second look at the very organization you’ve been promoting — because there’s been a lot of questionable things happening and it’s time someone addresses it—someone who actually sits on the advisory board. People are working their asses off to make things happen with the MPP - but frankly, it’s starting to seem like one big grift. I’d love to be wrong, but I think the board might want to re-think the frontman. Just a thought. Of course, there are people within the petitioner community who had their own selfish motives — but for all of the MPP petitioners who I’ve spoken with, they’ve been able to relay information that checks out. I’m confident that with your influence, the MPP might be able to salvage what little is left of its’ reputation.
Lastly — before I get to my questions — I want people to understand that the reason I do like Jimmy Dore is that he’s funny and effective — he has put himself in a unique position — one that he may not even completely understand just yet. People are going to ask me, “Why don’t you just ask the MPP leadership these questions? Why do you have to put it all on, Jimmy Dore?’
My answer? Because he’s the only guy who will talk. No one can touch Nick Brana. Jimmy, you wouldn’t even go near the Solutions Summit unless they got rid of one of the most prominent MPP petitioners. What’s up with that?
I asked around — to fans, to critics, to friends & random followers of the People’s Party:
Why is Nick Brana so hard to get ahold of? Any chance you can pass this along to him and let him know that people have some questions?
Why would the MPP remove members who had legitimate concerns, questions, and requests rather than address them, in-depth?
Why does the go-to response to any question about The People’s Party usually come with some kind of guilt trip or accusatory statement along the lines of, “Why are you trying to ruin a new party?! Why don’t you just go make your own party? Why are you trying to agitate and ruin it all?” I’m literally just asking questions….
Would you ever be willing to speak with the petitioners about their grievances?
What led you to finally come out and officially denounce the petitioners as “agitators?” Is there something we should know?
What role does the advisory board play — if any — in the actual day-to-day operations of The People’s Party?
Why should people believe The People’s Party is the key to success versus voting for the Democrats or Republicans — or any of the third parties in existence?
How does The People’s Party plan to navigate the extensive legislation in place to block exactly the type of thing that The People’s Party is trying to do?
Why should people spend their time and money fighting for this particular party versus any other party?
I have to ask this again — why is it so hard to reach Nick Brana?
I come in peace, Jimmy. I’m just asking the questions that everyone else is afraid to ask you — because you are “the guy” — and we wouldn’t have it any other way. I just hope that if you do ever read this, you’ll know I’m coming from a good place. I’ve got more questions — but I figured this was a good place to start. It’s important to remember all of the people working hard for this organization you’re promoting — because don’t forget — you’re a man of the people.
That means something. I don’t expect you to answer them all — or even know the answers to all of them — but I do hope that you’ll relay the message to the right people — and maybe even consider speaking to some of the petitioners.
I think too fast... I want you to be successful, I don't want you to let them.chage you though basically. Stay true❤
You think Jimmy reads? 🤔🤣 I loved this piece, it was COMPLETELY accurate to the point I just kept nodding my head. You hit on a critical point in there that needs expounded on though... the careerism. Journalism was intended to basically be a humanitarian thing, like you do it for the love of the game, not money, fame or glory. The EXACT same thing that happened to politicians, happened to journalism. As soon as people start seeing success, they sell out their morals and integrity and go along to get along at best. We need more journalists doing it for FREE, for the love of the game, before anything changes. That's why I want you to gain notoriety cause we need more of you out there, but I also want you to be successful and have a happy life. Idek how we gonna change this media landscape, it's all climbers with a few real ones like you. Like you can count them on half of a hand few.💀