You think Jimmy reads? 🤔🤣 I loved this piece, it was COMPLETELY accurate to the point I just kept nodding my head. You hit on a critical point in there that needs expounded on though... the careerism. Journalism was intended to basically be a humanitarian thing, like you do it for the love of the game, not money, fame or glory. The EXACT same thing that happened to politicians, happened to journalism. As soon as people start seeing success, they sell out their morals and integrity and go along to get along at best. We need more journalists doing it for FREE, for the love of the game, before anything changes. That's why I want you to gain notoriety cause we need more of you out there, but I also want you to be successful and have a happy life. Idek how we gonna change this media landscape, it's all climbers with a few real ones like you. Like you can count them on half of a hand few.💀
I think too fast... I want you to be successful, I don't want you to let them.chage you though basically. Stay true❤
haha I know JD isn't reading this but I still needed to say it all. Thank you for all your support twin!
You think Jimmy reads? 🤔🤣 I loved this piece, it was COMPLETELY accurate to the point I just kept nodding my head. You hit on a critical point in there that needs expounded on though... the careerism. Journalism was intended to basically be a humanitarian thing, like you do it for the love of the game, not money, fame or glory. The EXACT same thing that happened to politicians, happened to journalism. As soon as people start seeing success, they sell out their morals and integrity and go along to get along at best. We need more journalists doing it for FREE, for the love of the game, before anything changes. That's why I want you to gain notoriety cause we need more of you out there, but I also want you to be successful and have a happy life. Idek how we gonna change this media landscape, it's all climbers with a few real ones like you. Like you can count them on half of a hand few.💀
STUUUUUUUUFF THIIIIIIIIIINGS HOW DAAAAAAAAARE YOU!!!!!!!!! You never disappoint, my dear, you're truly a treasure.